
A Collaborative Environment for Digital Epigraphy

Epigraphy.info Workshop I: Working Groups

Workshop Protocol (Google Doc)

Tec meeting Protocol (Google Doc)

wg 1USER STORIES: “what we want” (we should distinguish 1. What we want NOW - for instance, the long term preservation of the existing data - from 2. What we want for the future - for instance, new editions responding to common standards) + Organization - relation portal <—> databases Deferred: Back end/architecture; data formats Front end/interface
Google Doc
wg 2versioning und mini publications
Google Doc
wg 3from existing databases to epigraphy.info crosswalks and interfaces (book → epigraphy.info / online editions; database → epigraphy.info + epigraphy.info as tool for editions and databases
Google Doc
wg 4Pathway to get the data: individual content provider – how can users and various different groups contribute to epigraphy.info?
Google Doc
wg 5community building, motivation for the editorial board, integration in teaching; What an editorial board would look like/do?
Google Doc
wg 6Funding sources and strategies + technical and institutional requirements for sustainability
Google Doc